Sunday, February 20, 2011



               Sadly, my life revolves around the internet. I use the internet for absolutely everything. Despite having two jobs and going to school fulltime, I still find around three hours a day for the internet. The only time in which this is not the case is when I am out all night hanging out with friends. I wouldn't say I was addicted, but I do have an online shopping problem when the overtime at work kicks in and I know I have extra money to spend. As long as I am making the rent I start to shop on ebay like a mad woman. I have became better about spending money online, because there is really nothing else that I want. I also have the internet on my phone which allows me to check my email and Facebook quite often. Facebook is very addicting within itself. I love talking to my friends and receiving messages at all times. It makes the day pass by much faster. Even when I am driving I am pretty much on the internet the whole time. The only time I am not on the internet is when I am in class, but as soon as class is over I surely am checking my email and messages right away. 
              Usually when people wake up the first thought that comes to their minds are "What time is it? Can I go back to bed?" My first thought is logging onto the internet and checking my phone. It does bug me sometimes how empty I feel when I am disconnected from the internet for more than a few hours, but not enough to try and stop myself.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about feeling empty without the Internet.
